Oh hi. I'm new to the boards and pretty much the SMT universe. I've played the first one for SNES (haven't gotten around to two yet). I don't know any Japanese (I'm hoping to teach myself some so I can enjoy the game more. I only know English; some Spanish, French, and German). My friend on the other hand knows basic Japanese so he tries his best to help when we play.
Him and I started a couple days ago and we're looking for some English speaking players (and English speaking guild/clan/klan) to play with since we barely know what the hell is going on (he's only played the SNES one too).
My in game name is 闇の印 (Yami no Shirushi. It means Mark of Darkness or something like that).
I don't know what his in game name is, I'll tell him to join the boards so he can post it.
We usually play around 10:30 PM-11:00 PM Central/11:30-12:00 Eastern.