I will post just to make sure my name is the latest post on every single board again
I have been gradually repairing things... if only to assuage my guilt about it for a little while longer. The website will be moving to a new webhost very soon. That should make search and other things possible again on the website.
Otherwise nothing new is happening or apparently on the horizon. The move should feel seamless, though I don't think anyone would notice if it wasn't. I might make a last ditch effort to repair everything I can think of remaining before making the move.
PS: Ah man, got this on the Decarabia link...
アクセス権がありません。 (access denied)
お手数ですが、もう一度、アップロードしなおしてみてください。^Edited: It just came back... (looks like a boss maybe)
The other link seems to be having a hard time loading... maybe if the stuff comes back you can make an effort to save everything for us (ah the main site finally loaded)
Ah these are the PC88 Giten sprites I hope (I noticed "giten" in the url) ...I've been trying to find these again forever.
http://f46.aaa.livedoor.jp/~aqul/aton/giten/index.htmlThese are truly my favorites. I need to find a way to download the whole website!! This isn't the original place that had them up... those were all on a single page.