Oh man. I got accepted into the college I wanted to transfer to today. It's in Florida and I have to be there on the 16th to move in. Assuming I drive, I'm gonna miss the release date. Further still, I may miss it anyways because I want to go a day early to check out the town.
I have already paid in full so this sucks ass, but what are ya gonna do? Tough luck. This series is cursed.
I have two options: give my parents the receipt and have them pick up the game and ship it to me, or cancel my pre order, hope the town has a gamestop (because Gamestop is gay and will only give credit for returns) and get me a copy there. That's assuming the store doesn't get 1-3 copies and they're all pre ordered.
Where in Florida? If it's anywhere near miami then I'm sure it'll have GS's up the wazoo. Any major city for that matter (Orlando, Jacksonville, etc).