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wp_widget_recent_comments(array()); //hack, options must be initialized by widgets then hidden from view
global $is_gallery;
if(!$is_gallery) //includes single posts (set by template)
<div style="position: relative; top:256px; left:16px; width:160px; height:600px; background-image: url(/Evil-by-Google.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:20px 0px 8px 6px;"><div width="148px" style="max-width:148px; //stupid right padding hack">
<?php $die_google_die = 'swallow this up
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
goooooooooooooogle_ad_client = "pub-4203437078642917";
/* 120x600, created 11/17/08 */
goooooooooooooogle_ad_slot = "5560282217";
goooooooooooooogle_ad_width = 120;
goooooooooooooogle_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"
yum yum'; ?>
<p><div style="margin:0 0 2px; 0; padding:0;"><a href=""><font color="#3D919E"><b><u><big>Google: Evil or just overworked?</big></u></b></font></a></div><div style="margin:0; padding:0; padding-left:1px;"><small style="color:#526C8A">Fredric Paul’s article touched off a discussion with some colleagues of mine, who agreed that Google <strike style="color:#526C8A">abuses</strike> has become careless thanks to its “monopoly” with AdSense by (among other things) callously dropping AdSense participants for alleged click fraud without a reasonable appeals policy. A request for an explanation fell on deaf ears, and my colleague was left with the impression that Google “would have been more likely to work with me,” if it weren’t in such a strong position.</small></div><font color="#5B93F2"><b><b></font></p>
if(0) //2019: Cause of 502 errors? is probably dead.
<div class="commentary" style="position: relative; top:256px; left:16px; width:32ex;" onmouseover="this.className='commentary_over';" onmouseout="this.className='commentary';">
<?php echo I18N_X('MEGATEN FANDOM'); ?>
$simplepie = SimplePieWP(array('',''),array('feed_title' => array('Megami Tensei Wiki', 'Pantheon Workshop')));
//white-space work-arounds ...
$simplepie = str_replace(array("\t","\xA0"," "," ","<pre>","</pre>"),array(" "," "," "," ",'<span style="white-space:normal;">','</span>'),$simplepie);
//simple pie breaks utf8 code when truncating :( ...
preg_match_all('/([\x09\x0a\x0d\x20-\x7e]'. // ASCII characters
'|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]'. // 2-byte (except overly longs)
'|\xe0[\xa0-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]'. // 3 byte (except overly longs)
'|[\xe1-\xec\xee\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}'. // 3 byte (except overly longs)
'|\xed[\x80-\x9f][\x80-\xbf])+/', // 3 byte (except UTF-16 surrogates)
$simplepie, $slicedpie );
echo '<div style="white-space:normal;">';
foreach($slicedpie[0] as $slice) echo $slice;
echo '</div>';
<?php } //2019
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